RefleXion’s Reflections: Part 1
December 17, 2020
A year ago, we reveled in the dawning of a new decade. As we ushered in 2020, there were high hopes for a glorious new year (and decade) filled with great possibilities. By March, a dangerous virus spreading quickly across the globe trampled those hopes, leaving death, despair and angst in its wake. In 2020, we’ve changed how we work, educate our youth, shop and live our lives. It’s been a devastating year for millions across the country and trying for all of us, yet there are many things to be thankful for. Scientists worldwide have worked at an unprecedented pace to develop viable vaccine candidates. People have found novel ways to get married, celebrate birthday milestones and find community through Zoom. They have also experienced the unparalleled joy from the birth of new life.
For our first of two final blog posts of the year, we asked our RefleXion family to think back on 2020 and share their reflections. We received many responses. We highlight a few here:
“Our family kicked off 2020 with the birth of our son—and while there have been challenges raising a newborn during a pandemic—it has also been the most rewarding experience of my life. I am grateful for the current state of technology because our family and friends can video chat with our son daily to get to know him while I am able to work remotely, so we have not had to risk introducing outside childcare in this perilous time.”
— Michael, R&D
“I am most grateful for having friends, colleagues and acquaintances around me as anchor points—to reflect and debate, to provide and seek support, to laugh and to be sadwithout apologies—in short, to be our community. This is even more important when family is thousands of miles away.”
— Thorsten, Corporate Business Development
“2020 is a very special year. I really want to thank the RefleXion team. . . RefleXion gives the best environment to cultivate highly accurate and efficient cancer treatment. With the comprehensive research work and clinic experiences, RefleXion innovates the imaging-guided therapy. The further and deeper our thoughts are, the more they can lead to. To all, have a blessed 2021!”
— Qing, R&D
“Family, good health and a job I get to wake up to. With so much uncertainty in what is going on in the world right now, it’s critical that we turn to those who make us feel like ‘home.’ I feel so fortunate to have a loving family—an amazing wife and children that are full of life. We all do our best at keeping things fresh, whether it’s getting a new pet, doing a puzzle, cooking a new meal, or even discovering a new hike to go on. One thing in particular that I am very grateful for is accepting a position here at RefleXion during the pandemic. Not only that but being surrounded by motivating people and an incredible team that I am so grateful to work with.”
— Raquel, Service
“What a year . . . 2020 will forever be remembered as a year that caused the whole world to recalibrate and step away from what we believed to be normal or routine. We learned otherwise, and there’s an absolute silver lining in that lesson. I’ve always believed that with adversity comes opportunity and to remain grateful. I’m grateful for the inherent pause 2020 brought to my life. This pause has allowed me to appreciate the relationships in my life, including family, friends, and my community I’ve gotten to know so much more this year. It’s amazing how my foundation has become stronger by using the time to connect more, albeit virtually many times. Thank you 2020, I’ll carry this gift moving forward.”
— Jermaine, Sales
“I’m thankful to the warrior-like RefleXion team that work hard every day to make a difference for clinicians and cancer patients alike, especially in this last year of unprecedented hardships for the US and the world. The bigger the challenges, the more this team comes together and pushes through them. I’m inspired and thankful every day, to witness and be a small part of that.”
— Todd, Management
“Chest day at the gym; learning ‘you’ve been upgraded to first class;’ a meet-up at the bar for a drink and enjoying a spicy tuna roll at my local sushi restaurant…these are just a few of the things that were removed from my life eight months ago. And though difficult to lose these luxuries we take for granted every day, I’m grateful for what this has done to my life. 2020 has been a historically difficult year for most. For me, it served as a hard-hitting reminder of just how blessed and truly fortunate I am. For me, this year has meant…a full summer in Portland (Oregon); three meals at home with my family every day; trading trips to the airport for trips to the laundry room and trading board room presentations for homeschool facilitation. Looking back on it now, I wouldn’t change a thing. I pray we get beyond COVID soon and that we remember what it was like when life slowed down, got small, and when our priorities and efforts went towards our family and friends above everything else. I am thankful for perspective and the knowledge that life can completely change overnight—literally. I am thankful for today, whatever it looks like.”
— Aaron, Sales
“With age, the years start to blend together, but I have a feeling 2020 will not be forgotten. Professionally, the move to virtual meant learning and trying new things and expanding my skill set for which I am so grateful. And personally, I had time to slow down and get to know my kids on a deeper level. While I won’t remember all the details, I will always remember binging Harry Potter movies with the kids when they went virtual from school.”
— Jamie, Marketing
As 2020 draws to a close, we have much to appreciate. While the pandemic was undeniably disruptive and painful, it also grounded us to focus on and cherish the basics—love, family, community and good health.